Inna Dolgopolsky
DIHom, M.Sc, M.Eng.
My name is Inna Dolgopolsky and I am a Classical Homeopath who is a full member of the College of Homeopathy of Ontario. My journey with the field of homeopathy began more than 18 years ago, when I decided to raise my newborn daughter without antibiotics, steroid creams or drugs. My daughter is now 19 years old and not only her, but our entire family can be called “drug-free”. We don’t have any drugs in our medicine cabinets, except for a wide collection of homeopathic remedies.
My experience with homeopathy was so amazing, that I decided to share this gift with others. When starting this journey, I committed to studying homeopathy with only the best schools and most renowned masters. I graduated from the British Institute of Homeopathy and prestigious International Academy of Classical Homeopathy of George Vithoulkas in Greece, followed by a clinical internship in Kerala, India.
My involvement in natural medicine is deep-rooted. I was born into a family of European medical doctors. From a young age, I was taught that the fusion of medicine and physiology, combined with an application of the best concepts of holistic practice, was superior. These concepts are treating the patient as a whole, and that prevention is much better than a cure. Believing in the healing power of the nature and the human body was a part of my personal upbringing and remains a large part of my homeopathic practice.
Understanding the role of the physician, as well as compassion and dedication to the patient were among the most important lessons my parents and grandparents taught me from their times as medical doctors. They believed that physician should not medicate nor use invasive methods, but rather strengthen a patient’s vitality and stimulate internal healing powers.
In my practice, I deal with many types of health problems. From acute colds, flu, traumas and allergies to chronic problems, such as depression, diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and many more conditions. My special interest and passion involve the treatment of children, particularly those suffering from neurological and behavioural problems (Autism, Asperger syndrome, ADD/ADHD). I believe that these children can benefit greatly when both physician and parents have a good rapport and mutual trust.
Helping people to deal with stress (both physical and emotional, internal and external) is another area of my interest. In my opinion, stress is the plague of the 21st century. It is a maintaining cause for the majority of illnesses nowadays. To evaluate the level of stress experienced by my patients, as well as to monitor their healing process, I use Hair Mineral Analysis. This effective diagnostic tool determines the state of adrenal and thyroid function, hormonal and metabolic status.
I believe deeply in educating my patients on health issues and healing practices. Aiding them in making better decisions about themselves and their children is something that brings me great joy.
I would be very happy to work with you in achieving your health, well-being and lifestyle goals.
Whoever said that miracles don’t happen clearly has not been introduced to Inna! For my husband and I, Inna is nothing short of that; a miracle. Throughout my life I have always been relatively healthy. That is, until out of the blue my hands started becoming numb. At first, I thought nothing of it. Then, the numbness sensation would last for days at a time. I went from doctor to doctor searching for an answer, but no one could give us answers as to what was happening. Then I heard about Inna. Within weeks after my first consultation with Inna, the numbness that haunted me for months was gone. I couldn’t believe how well Inna’s homeopathic remedies worked! So, I decided to put Inna’s knowledge to the test again…
My husband had been suffering from a horrible cough for months. The cough was so bad, that it affected his regular daily routine greatly. He went to several doctors, had several MRI’s done and nothing could be figured out, so we once again turned to Inna. Just like the time before, Inna knew exactly what to do. Within days, my husband’s cough became more and more sporadic and within a few weeks it was gone completely. We can’t thank Inna enough for her hard work and dedication to the homeopathic field. She is a proof that miracles do in fact happen.
Thank you and Best regards,
After receiving an epidural injection during labour, I developed a migraine headache as a side effect. Inna gave me a homeopathic remedy that worked right away. The headache has gone and never returned. I was very happy as I could now concentrate on taking care of the newborn baby and not about that awful headache. Thank you, Inna!
I’ve been hearing about homeopathy for years, but never understood its power or application until I met Inna. We met accidentally while vacationing two years ago, and I have relied on her expertise ever since. She has helped my family with a wide range of issues. From battling colds, the flu, and bronchitis, to even helping my teenage son eliminate one of his asthma medications (after 10+ years of use) and helping another family member with anxiety issues. Inna has helped us to understand our health in a completely different manner and we are now much healthier and less dependent on prescription and over-the-counter medications. Not only does Inna help us with our medical issues, but she educates us in the process. We are so fortunate to have Inna as a resource.
Last year our pet Doberman had intestinal surgery and a part of her intestine had been removed. The recovery was very slow. She spent 7 days in the hospital, with no appetite and experienced terrible, severe diarrhea. No antibiotics helped. She was diagnosed with Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS, or spastic colon), and we were told there is no cure for IBS. I was very sceptical about homeopathy at first, but the remedy Inna prescribed to my dog has worked miracles. My dog’s diarrhea stopped in 2 days, her appetite improved and even the Bladder Incontinence our dog suffered for many years significantly improved as well. Unfortunately, my dog passed away a couple of month ago. She was an older dog and was sick most of her life. My only regret is I did not know about or use homeopathy earlier. Thank you.
I have known Inna for half a year. I first called her soon after immigrating to Canada, when I suffered mostly from emotional instability, anxiety and resentment. In addition, my chronic health problems became more severe. Inna helped me a lot with going through that difficult adaptation period by finding the right homeopathic remedies. She was always there, giving emotional and mental support, which is always so important.
She continues to help me with my current and chronic problems, and I feel much better now. She’s also been treating my two kids, and I have seen great improvements. My daughter was nervous and hysterical, but with Inna’s help, she is now much calmer. My 1-year old son suffered from a strong allergy and was often annoyed at the littlest thing; now, he is also much better. Inna is a professional homoeopathic specialist. She also has a great personality – it’s always a pleasure to get in touch with her.
Thank you and Best regards,