Seven Fundamental Principles of Our Practice of Medicine

1. Primum Non Nocere –Do No Harm

  1. The first priority of any doctor is to do no harm. We follow this and other principles of Hippocratic Oath as a main guideline in our practice

2. Tolle Causum – Treat the Cause

  1. This fundamental principle is often overlooked in our fast-paced, “drive-through” society. Instead of simply alleviating or suppressing the most bothersome symptoms, we take time to understand the root cause of the disease. In this way, we can restore your health to the most complete degree

3. Preventum – Prevention is always better than a cure. 

  1. We see our mission in guiding and educating people to follow a lifestyle conducive to good health from a very young age. This include physical and emotional hygiene, environment, food, rest, activity, cultivation of awareness, wisdom and spiritual strength

4. Vis medicatrix naturae – The Healing Power of Nature. 

  1. We believe in the ability of the human body to treat itself. In our treatment, we encourage and strengthen this defensive mechanism of self-healing

5. Nunquam pars pro toto – Never the part but always whole

  1. Homeopathy treats people as a whole, taking into consideration one’s physical, mental, emotional, genetic, spiritual and environmental aspects.

6. Cito, lenis, jucunde, durable, toto, certo, simplex et tuto curare – the highest ideal of therapy is rapid, gentle, pleasant, complete and permanent restoration of the health in the surest, simplest and least harmful way

  1. Our mission is in establishing your wellness in the shortest, most gentle and complete manner possible.

7. Doctors are teachers. 

  1. We study with the most elite homeopathy practitioners and we share our knowledge with other homeopaths, as well as with you, our patients and partners in health.